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It's turkey day. So naturally, I woke up thinking about things I am thankful for. My friends are at the top of that list. To be more besties. That's right I said it. "Besties with testies...don't test these besties." We have a full on 3 way bromance that was forged on McCart Avenue during our youthful days of spending lots of money on a piece of paper that tells people we are educated/qualified to do ministry. I didn't know it at the time but those years were some of the most formative and sweetest years of my life. Being a dad is better but the years in that little duplex kind of have its own category. That was about 17 years ago.

17 years later and we still talk on the phone like middle school girls as often as possible. We live in 3 different states and might see each other once a year but not at the same time. We have families, jobs, churches. We're busy. But I can honestly say that I can't imagine life being so busy that I did not think about picking up the phone to call or text one of these guys.

Friendship like this doesn't seem to happen for everyone. We are #blessed. But this relationship has taken a lot of effort. Every time I get in a car to run an errand or drive to work I think about my homies. It's like my brain is on autopilot and associates the driver seat with "call rudy" or "text brandon". Brandon and I usually have specific things to talk about. I'm usually asking for his opinion about something because his theological and relational IQ is pretty high. That's kind of a secret tho. (introvert) Rudy and I talk the most. Mainly because I think Brandon's head would explode if I called him every day. Rudy and I are very similar in that we'll have days that we call each other and we don't really have anything to say or discuss. Just checking in. So we make an effort to communicate.

The one thing I appreciate the most about my homies is the effort we have made to challenge one another with biblical truth. When we are being sanctified by the hardships of life we rally to one another, take refuge in the Lord, and go slay the proverbial dragon. I believe it is one of our greatest assets as friends. When the enemy presses in and I am being overwhelmed, my homies are there to lend me their shield, brandish their swords, and bring the truth of God's word to bear upon my heart. There is no greater gift that a man can receive from another man than love like this.

My homies have stuck with me through many ups and downs. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. But the gospel binds us together. We know it is a holy adventure that we journey toward and we need one another to fight and die well. I hope and pray that all of you dudes out there have friends like mine but you prolly don't. Cuz mine are better than yours. Sorry not sorry. In all seriousness though, friendship like this is so hard as you get older. It requires a lot of effort and patience and grace and spiritual persistence. You are not meant to fight alone. I'm damn sure glad that I don't.

Tres vatos for life! Love you homies!


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