Have you ever sat lakeside and watched the sun come up? Its beautiful. Especially on a morning when the fog is heavy across the water. I remember fishing with my brother in the early mornings when the fog would be heavy and you couldn't see across the lake. The sun starts creeping up and slowly begins to burn off the fog. The path across the lake becomes clear and you can see to the other side. Those are memories that will forever bring peace to my heart.
Depression, heart ache, sadness is like that fog hanging low on the water. The fog inhibits your ability to see the other side and distorts your sense of time. It FEELS like it will take forever to get to the other side and you'll be in this place with no vision and no sense of clarity for an undisclosed amount of time. That's the part that makes it hard. Not knowing how long it will last. The depression. The heaviness in your heart that brings an unexplainable sadness that bubbles out of you. It FEELS like there's no way out.
That damn fog will hover like a cloud around your heart and drown out your ability to see the beauty in yourself. And that's when the enemy is winning. The cute imagery of fog on the pretty lake is over now. The fog has a name. And he is your enemy.
The enemy does not want you to see. He does not want you to remember who you are and whom you belong too. He wants you to languish in the fog and weep and moan about all the things that trouble you. Because that means your not even attempting to look outside of the fog. Your vision is near sighted and you wander like a rudderless ship doing circles in the fog.
Are you ready for the cheese? The Son pierces through the fog. How easily we can forget? We get so consumed and focused on what went wrong, what we did, and the brokeness in our life that we forget the truth. Jesus gave us an eternal hope that makes everything in this life bearable. We are able to be crushed by not destroyed. We can trade our sorrows and pain for the joy of the Lord. But we must seek refuge in Him and spend more of our energy looking up, rather then looking around. The more we think on things that are above the more the fog will burn away.
So for my sister in Christ that appears to be in the fog. I want you to remember who you are. You are a child of the Most High. One day you will see Jesus. No fog will exist in His presence. Only beauty and love that you will rest in for all eternity. You will sing and bless the heavens with your laughter. But that day is not today. Until then. You have work to do. You are a warrior princess. A fierce lover and kind heart with more wisdom then you give yourself credit for. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. And you have many gifts to use. Get up my sister. Fight back. Your friends are with you. The Lord is with you. The race is not over for you.